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New Aircraft Hanger in United Arab Emirates uses 2 x 25m Long Altrad Belle Pneumatic Pro screeds
New Aircraft Hanger in United Arab Emirates uses 2 x 25m Long Altrad Belle Pneumatic Pro screeds to construct.
The reinforced floor was approximately 30,000m2 and 300mm depth.
Altrad Belle’s Pro Screed equipment was supplied and all operators were fully trained on how to assemble and adjust tolerance of the equipment prior to concrete pouring.
Sigma Enterprises LLC assisted with the set up for this critical pour to ensure no more than 2 mm from datum across the entire length.
A total of 20 labourers were on hand in the desert heat to help rake and place the concrete in front of the 2 screeds. They were equipped with the Altrad Belle concrete placers to help efficiently place the concrete in front of the screed.
The use of the large screed enabled the contractor to produce a quality product and to bring the overall project back on schedule.
The air powered screeds produced enough vibration to the extent that poker vibrators hardy required except in and around some service channels cast into the floor.
Simon Jevons from Sigma Enterprises supervised the initial concrete pours and provided staff training to ensure total customer satisfaction.