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Plantworx 2017 Blog - Show Day 1 - June 6th
Showtime finally arrive after 2 hard weeks for the build team. With the stand looking fantastic the team we're ready to welcome the visitors along and show them the many demonstrations that we had offer.
Unfortunately the weather had other ideas and the day was spent in almost constant rain. Despite the harsh conditions the show went on and the visitors to the Altrad Belle stand were treated to a number of exciting demos.
Visitors were particularly impressed with our automated BMD 300 Minidumper track and wash off bay for our brand NEW range of PWX Pressure Washers. Another crowd pleaser was the Roller Striker demonstration which always seems to go down well with the crowds.
After a slow start to the day it definitely finished on a high when Altrad Belle were awarded with the inaugural Paul Bidwell Award for Outstanding Contribution to Plantworx. It was massively appreciated and we thank everyone involved in Plantworx and the CEA for giving us the award. It's nice to know our efforts are appreciated.
We're now hoping for a dry day with a bit of sunshine to clear up some of the wet ground and plenty of visitors to demonstrate our products to.