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Altrad Belle Xmas Raffle Raises Money For Charity
The annual Altrad Belle Christmas Raffle took place earlier in the week, with all items that are donated to the company in the run-up to Christmas raffled between the employees to raise money for charity.
There were many items donated by a number of customers and suppliers for which Altrad Belle is very grateful. There were also a number of items included in the raffle given by the company itself.
As an addition this year there was also a silent auction for 2 x Berlin All-Terrain Steel and Wood Wagons which were given to the company.
In total, through raffle ticket sales and the silent auction we were able to raise £256.75 which will be donated to a local charity, which will be decided at a later date.
Many thanks to all those who donated an item to us and for those who took part in the raffle and silent auction.
May we also take this opportunity to wish everybody Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year!