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Altrad Belle Supports Leek High School
Altrad Belle who grew over 20% in 2014 is a large employer in the Staffordshire Moorlands area, creating many jobs for local people. Being located in such a rural area, this has a big impact on the economy. Altrad Belle is showing its commitment and contribution in several ways in connection with Leek High School:
Recently Altrad Belle attended a Careers event organised by Leek High School at which students were informed about apprenticeships currently on offer in Engineering and Business. Four out of five of the managers were ex-pupils of Leek High School. Joanne Shenton, HR Officer at Altrad Belle said ‘Apprenticeships are a popular option allowing students to earn while they learn. The students were pleased to hear about the Altrad Belle success story in the Construction Industry.
Following the careers event, students from Leek High School were invited along with two members of staff to visit the Altrad Belle Factory in Sheen, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire on Wednesday 26th November 2014.
The visit covered a company presentation, a factory tour and a live demo in the Training School, followed by a presentation and donation of £1,500 worth of equipment to the school.
We estimate that more than 50% of Altrad Belle employees are ex-pupils of Leek High School, many in senior positions. Altrad Belle have offered students work experience at the company and have recruited a number of ex-pupils as Engineering and Business Trainees in addition to other areas of the business such as Accounts, Sales Administration, R&D, Production etc.
Joanne Shenton, explained: “We currently employ a total workforce of 180 which includes nine apprentices. Many people don’t realise that we take on apprentices for business as well as for engineering. Our trainees get hands-on experience in everything from research and development, design, quality control, sales, purchasing, accounts etc. They learn on the job and are also sent on day release courses to a local college.
Ray Neilson states “We are proud to be working with Leek High School following on from our positive history together where we partnered with the school to help them gain the Specialist Technology status”.
Altrad Belle currently have vacancies for Engineering Apprenticeships, Business Trainees, Production Operatives, Welders and Maintenance Engineers.
For further information, please call Joanne Shenton : 01298 84001