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Executive Hire Show 2014 Innovation Trail Finalists
ALTRAD Belle has been selected as a finalist for this year's EHS Innovation Trail with it NEW PCEL400E electric plate compactor.
Lightweight and environmentally friendly with zero exhaust emissions; the new PCEL400E Electric Plate Compactor offers hirers a real opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint with a true energy efficient and sustainable option.
With a removable class leading “Low Hand & Arm Vibration” handle for easier transportation and storage this 50kg Plate Compactor offers real versatility allied to high performance through a proven and powerful 11KN vibrator unit that ensures that compaction levels are achieved quicker; meaning that the operator uses it for less time.
Being available in either 240v or 110v makes this machine suitable for use in either a construction or DIY environment.
Commonality of parts across the PCEL Range of plate compactors will mean ease of servicing for rental companies and contractors as they need to carry less stock, thus offering savings on their carbon footprint through reduced transportation and packaging.
The “New PCEL400E Plate Compactor” now gives you a real alternative to a standard construction product and allows you to make an informed choice on your impact to our environment
ALTRAD Belle will be re-enforcing its position as being ‘No.1 For Light Construction Equipment’ by exhibiting at the UK’s premier hire industry show.
Click HERE for more Information @ExecHireShow
See us on stand D55 on the 12th & 13 February at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry.